Where to view your leave balances:

  1. Log in to your web app / mobile app
  2. Click Leaves button icon on your home page or Head to your left panel: HR > Leaves
  3. Click See Balances at the bottom of your Leave Balances section
  4. You will be able to see the Leave Balances below

To understand the break down of leave balances:

Entitled Section

You can see the break down of your full leaves entitlement for the year

Current Cycle EntitlementYour entitled leaves for this year's cycle based on company's annual leave policy. This is subject to criteria such as years of service or job band.
General AdjustmentCompany may adjust an employee's leave balance and this will be reflected here. This can be adjusted due to the need to amend to correct the leave balance.
Carry Forward This is carried forward leave from last cycle.
Replacement CreditReplacement credit is credited to an employee's leave (usually annual leave) to compensate their work on a non-working day (public holidays and weekends).

Total Entitled Leaves 

= Current Cycle Entitlement + General Adjustment + Carry Forward + Replacement Credit

Utilisation Section 

You can see the break down of all your utilised leaves for the year


The annual leaves that you have obtained approval and utilised

Planned Leave

The annual leaves that you have obtained approval but have not utilised yet
Pending Approval

The annual leaves requests which you have submitted and are pending approval
Emergency Leave UtilisedThe emergency leaves tied to annual leaves that you have obtained approval and utilised


= Total Entitled Leaves - Utilised - Planned Leave - Pending Approval - Emergency Leave Utilised