What is Leaves Module 

The Leaves Module, is where Admins can digitalised the Leave application and management process for the company. Admins are able configure leave policies accordingly, view and manage employee's leave requests and balances as well as configure the approval routings. There are several steps that must be completed in Setting up the Leaves Module : 

1. Complete Set Up of People Module 

2. Set Up Approval Routings

3. Set Up Work Days

4. Set Up Holidays 

5. Set Up Leave Policies

6. Import Leave Requests

7. Modify Leave Balances if needed

8. Configure Leave Request Limit if needed

What is a replacement credit policy

Replacement Credits are NOT a type of leave that employees can apply for. Replacement Credits are a way for employees to receive an extra day of leave entitlement credited into their leave balance, as a means of replacing a non-working day that they may have worked on. Employees may apply for Replacement Credits, and when this request is approved, they will receive an extra day of leave in their leave balance to be used accordingly. Admins are able to customise which existing Leave Policy Entitlement this replacement credit would be credited to.

To Set Up a Replacement Credit Policy:

  1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.

  2. Click Leaves > Policies.

  3. Click Create Leave Policy.

  4. Select Replacement Credit .
  5. Click Create Policy.

  6. Fill in the required fields. For specific details, refer to the paragraphs below.
  7. Confirm by clicking Confirm.
  8. Click Leaves > Policies.
  9. On the right of the policy, under Status, slide ON.  
  10. Confirm by clicking OK to activate the policy. This will allow employees to view and submit a leave request for this policy.

What to fill in 

Section 1: Policy Information

  1. Edit leave policy name for internal purposes. For example, Replacement Credit  for Contract Staff.
  2. Edit the display name. This is what employees will see. For example, Replacement Credit.
  3. Link this replacement credit policy to a selected leave policy. 
  4. Set the max credit earned for different types of working days.
  5. If you require your employees to provide attachments and description, tick the relevant boxes.
  6. Advanced Settings set when the credit expires.

Section 2: Limit

  1. Select No, if employees are allowed to take as many replacement credits as they want.
  2. Select Yes, if there is a limit to the number of replacement credits an employee can take. 
  3. Enter the number of days an employee is allowed to take in a year and select ALL or a specific group of employees that are entitled to this replacement credits policy. 

To Configure Different Entitlement for Different employees

Select No under "Same Entitlement for All?"

For Example: for employees' leave entitlement to increase according to years of service, adjust the Entitlement Setting to Years of Service criteria. 

Configure the years of service range for different entitlements

Set the entitlement for employees in those Years of Service in the table below. For example, employees who are within 2 years of service receive 10 days, when they've reached the next category of 2-5 years they will have 15 days and so on.

Section 3 : Approval Routing

  1. Select Yes, if you would like to use the default approval routing as set in Leaves > Settings.
  2. Select No, to set specific approval routings. Click Add Approval Routing. Choose Group, Select Approval Routing. Click Confirm. Repeat this step to add multiple groups of employees.

    Important note: Make sure to add an ALL entry (groups ALL, applied to ALL) to avoid any routing errors.

  3. Tick Auto Approved to auto-approve a leave request after receiving no response from the employee’s manager after a chosen number of days.
  4. Select Yes, If you would likes to use the same Approval Routing for leave Cancellation Requests. Select No if you would like to add an approval Routing to be used for leave Cancellation Requests