What is Leaves Module 

The Leaves Module, is where Admins can digitalised the Leave application and management process for the company. Admins are able configure leave policies accordingly, view and manage employee's leave requests and balances as well as configure the approval routings. There are several steps that must be completed in Setting up the Leaves Module : 

1. Complete Set Up of People Module 

2. Set Up Approval Routings

3. Set Up Work Days

4. Set Up Holidays 

5. Set Up Leave Policies

6. Import Leave Requests

7. Modify Leave Balances if needed

8. Configure Leave Request Limit if needed

What are Leave Requests ? 

Leave Requests are the applications of leaves made by the employees. The Requests page displays all records of Leave Requests, including Approved, Rejected, Pending, and Cancelled Leave Requests. Admins are also able to manage these Leave Requests from the Admin Dashboard, on behalf of the employees and approvers. 

What are the available actions for admin

  1. Apply Leave on behalf of the employee - Read How to Apply Leave on Behalf of Employees?

  2. View and Filter Leave Requests - As discussed in this Article

  3. Approve or Cancel Leave Requests on Behalf - As discussed in this Article 

  4. Cancel Approved Leaves - As discussed in this article.

  5. Refresh Approval Routing of Leave Request - as discussed in this article 

To View and Filter Leave Requests 

Option 1: By using filter

1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel. Click Leaves > Requests.

2. Click on the filter icon to view a group of leave requests.

3. Fill in the relevant filter requirements to filter the requests. You may select the year, month, dates, status, organisation, etc.

4. Click Filter Requests.

Option 2: By searching the employee's name

1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel. Click Leaves > Requests.

2. Key in the employee's name.

To Approve or Cancel Leave Requests on Behalf

  1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel. Click Leaves > Requests.
  2. Select the leave request you wish to approve.
  3. Click View.

  4. Click Approve on Behalf or Reject on Behalf
  5. Confirm by clicking OK.

    Note: If this leave request requires multiple approvers, you may wish to repeat this step until the leave request is fully approved.

    Note: Admins are not able to approve their own requests.

To Cancel Approved Leave Requests on behalf of an employee:

  1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.

  2. Click Leaves > Requests.

  3. Select the leave request you wish to cancel.

  4. Click View.

  5. Click Cancel Leave.

  6. Confirm by clicking OK.

Note: Admins are only able to cancel a leave after the leave has been fully approved.

To Refresh Approval Routing of a Leave Request

Admins are require to Refresh the Approval Routing of any requests that were made and not yet approved before the original approval routing was changed in Leaves Settings.

  1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.
  2. Click Leaves > Requests.
  3. Select the leave request you wish to cancel.
  4. Click View.

  5. Scroll down to the Approval Routing portion of the request 
  6. Select Refresh Approval Routing? 
  7. Select Ok to confirm 

    Note: Refreshing the Approval Routing will require the request to be Re-Approved from the first level of approval.