What is an Onboarding Page

The Onboarding module allows admins to view and create a virtual onboarding experience for new employees. There are two sections in this module:

This is where admins can create, edit and activate onboarding articles/videos for employees to view on their app.
New Hires
This section allows admins to view and generate reports on employees who were recently hired.

An Onboarding Page can be set or created in the Journey section of the Onboarding module. Creating an onboarding page allows newly hired employees to be onboarded virtually.

To create a new Onboarding page:

1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.

2. Click Others > Onboarding > Journey.

3. On the right of the section, click Create Page.

4. Select a Template.

5. Select Page Type.

6. Enter Page Name and Display Name.

7. Enter content. This can be text, images or videos.

8. Click Save to save changes.

9. Confirm by clicking Publish Now to make the content viewable to employees in their app.