3 methods to log in
Method 1: Email Address
1. Open your web app. This will automatically be your first choice of login.
2. Enter your email address used to activate your altHR account and the password.
3. Click Login.
Note: If you have not activated your account, kindly locate the sign up email to activate your account. You may contact your HR if you cannot locate the email and ask for a new activation email to be sent out to your email address.
Method 2: Google Suite Account
1. Click Log in with Google in the lower section.
2. Select the Google account you'd like to sign in with and enter your password.
3. Click Login.
Method 3: Microsoft Office365 Account
1. Click Log in with Microsoft in the lower section.
2. Select the Microsoft Office 365 account you'd like to sign in with and enter your password.
3. Click Login.
Take note:
1. The Google account that you choose must be the same work email address that your HR has
used for you to activate your account. You will not be able to login if the email address is not valid
in the first place.
2. If you are already logged into your Microsoft Office365 account, you will automatically be
logged in.