What is an SLA Policy

A Service Level Agreement, or SLA, is an agreed upon measure of the response and resolution times that your team delivers to your employees. You can set up multiple SLA policies and assign them to the different helpdesk categories. 


You can set up a default SLA policy that states that tickets must be responded to within 2 hours and resolved within 24 hours. If the response or resolution time for tickets under this SLA policy is not met, the ticket can be automatically escalated to the next-level personnel (depending on your settings), putting the responsibility to respond to and resolve the ticket on them.

To create an SLA Policy in your helpdesk:

1. On the left panel of your admin dashboard, head to Helpdesk > Settings.

2. Click on the SLA Policy tab.

3. Click Create New Policy.

4. Enter SLA policy name.

5. Enter a specific response and resolution time for each ticket type.

6. Confirm by clicking Submit.

To edit an SLA Policy in your helpdesk:

1. On the left panel of your admin dashboard, head to Helpdesk > Settings.

2. Click on the SLA Policy tab.

3. Click on the Edit icon to edit an SLA policy.

4. Enter SLA policy name.

5. Enter a specific response and resolution time for each ticket type.

6. Confirm by clicking Submit.