What are Personal Assistants?
A personal assistant is a designated employee who can apply for or approve/reject various requests such as leaves, expenses and travel on behalf of their manager.the 'Manager' in the context of the Personal Assistants sub module refers to the employee that the personal assistant may act on behalf of.
A Personal Assistant (PA) is able to switch accounts between their own altHR account, and their Manager's accounts with limited access in order to apply or approve/reject their manager's requests.
To Switch Account On Web App:
1. On the top right corner, click on your name.
2. Click "Switch account".
3. You will see that the PA mode is active at the bottom of the page.
4. You may select the "All Team Requests" for different module. This means if you are a PA for multiple managers, you can view all the requests for all of the managers under this module.
5. You can also choose the Manager's name that you would want to help carry out the approval tasks as a PA.
6. If you choose to select a manager, you will enter into the view below. Again, you will see the "PA Mode Active" at the bottom. You are able to select the Leaves, Expenses & Travel to perform the approval task and view it from the manager's view.