What is an Approver Group?
The Approver Group tab within the General Approval Routings settings allows admins to create a group of approvers that can receive requests, where only one of them will need to approve or reject the request.
IMPORTANT: The Approver Group is currently applicable to the LEAVES module ONLY.
Use Case:
- To notify a group of approvers of the incoming requests, where only ONE of the assigned approver will need to take action on the request on a first come first served basis.
Applying group approval routing employees involves 3 Steps
- Creating the Approver Groups in the People Module:
- Creating a General Approval Routing for the Approver Group in People Module
- Creating a Default Approval Routing in Leaves Modules.
When approval routings are created in the People module, they are not applied anywhere yet. All possible routings are just stored in a list here for you to select from when setting up default approval routings on each module separately, after which the feature will be applied and active.
Creating the Approver Groups in the People Module:
1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.
2. Click People > Settings.
3. Click on the Approver Routing Tab > Approver Groups.
4. On the right of the section, click Create Group Routing.
5. Select a Name for the Group Approvers.
6. Select the Approvers you would like to be part of this group. These employees will be able to approve a leave request the group routing applies to, on a first come first served basis.
7. Click on Confirm.
This group can now be used when creating a General Approval Routing.
Creating a General Approval Routing for the Approver Group in People Module
1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.
2. Click People > Settings.
3. Click on the Approval Routing Tab.
4. On the right of the section, click Create New.
5. Search and select the Group Routing for the employee/organisation.
6. Click + button to add the next level of approver.
7. Select the second level approver for the employee/organisation, if necessary. For example,
Head of Department (HOD).
8. You can add up to 5 levels of approvers. Each of these levels must approve the request before the request is sent to the next level for approval.
9. Confirm by clicking Confirm.
Creating a Default Approval Routing in Leaves Modules.
To activate approval routings in the Leaves module:
1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.
2. Click Leaves > Settings.
3. Click on the Default Approval Routing tab.
4. Click Actions: Edit or Create New Approval Routing.
5. Search and select the Group Routing from the list of approval routings you have set up in the People module.
6. Confirm by clicking Confirm.