What is the Expenses Module ? 

The Expenses Module is where admins can digitalise the expense claims submission and processes of the company. Admins are able to configure Expense Policies for employees to submit claims for, view and manage these claims submissions, configure the approval routings for these claims as well as digitally process these claims for pay out to the employee. 

There are several steps admins will have to complete in order to set up the Expense Module: 

1. Complete Set Up of People Module - How to Set Up People Module

2. Set Up Approval Routings -

3. Configure General Settings 

4. Set Up Expense Policies 

5. Import Expense Transactions if needed 

6. Understand how to Process Expense Transactions

Mileage type claims calculate the amount employees will receive when they key in the distance travelled on the app. It requires admins to specify the rate per unit of km travelled according to the vehicle types specified. 

Eg. Employee can claim RM1/km travelled by car and RM 0.50/km by motorcycle

There are two types of mileage rates setting that an admin is able to set:

  1. Tier Mileage Rate - This allows an admin to set different rates for a customised mileage tier. For example, you can set the first 20 km at RM2.50 per km and after 20 km at RM1.50 per km. You will be able to add as many tiers at your preferred rates as you like.

  2. Dynamic Mileage Rate - This allows an admin to set different rates based on changing factors like fuel prices and more. You will be able to set start and end dates for the different rates. 

To create a policy for mileage and travel reimbursement:

  1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.

  2. Click Expenses > Policies.

  3. Click Create Expense Policy.

  4. Select Mileage from the drop down list.

  5. Select Create Policy

  6. Fill in the required fields. For specific details, refer to the paragraphs below.

  7. Confirm by clicking Confirm.

  8. Click Expenses > Policies.

  9. On the right of the policy, under Status, slide ON.  

  10. Confirm by clicking OK to activate the policy.

What to fill in (if applicable)

Part 1: Policy

  1. Fill in the expense policy name. For example, Mileage Expense Policy.

  2. If you require your employees to provide attachments and description, tick the relevant boxes.

  3. Advanced settings allow you to select multiple currencies, select policy start and end date, select cost centers, travel location (if you want employees to include travel location only or both the from and to location), and adding other desired custom text fields. 
    Note: For Cost Center, select Use Employee's Cost centre if you'd like any claims for this policy to be billed under the applying employee's cost centre. Select Choose Cost centre if you'd like to choose a specific cost centre for any claims for this policy to be billed under, regardless of which organisation the employee is from. 

  4. Custom text fields are optional customised fields you’d like your employees to fill up when submitting a request, for example, employee ID number and more. 

  5. Select the Tag Travel Request and Require Travel Request boxes if you need employees to link this expense policy to a travel request that they’ve submitted for.

Part 2: Eligibility

  1. Select Yes, if all employees are eligible to submit an expense request on this policy. 

  2. Select No, and choose the relevant criteria for the group of employees that are allowed to submit an expense request for this policy. 

For example, you only allow employees from Ground Team, to be able to submit a request for your mileage claim; select the organisation. This allows only employees from that department to view this expense policy in their app and apply for this expense request.

Part 3: Rate

  1. This is where you can set a mileage rate type; whether Tier or Dynamic. Refer to the first part of this question for more details on what they are.

  2. Select Tier or Dynamic, click Add New Vehicle.

  3. Fill in Vehicle Type. For example, Company Car.

  4. Fill in the first tier/dynamic rate.

  5. If you’d like to add a tier/dynamic mileage, click and fill in the needed details. Rates entered are RM per km.

  6. Confirm by clicking Save.

Part 4: Approval Routing

  1. Select Yes, if you would like to use the default approval routing as set in Expenses > Settings.
  2. Select No, to set specific approval routings.
  3. Click Add Approval Routing.

  4. Choose Group, Select Submission period if applicable, and select Approval Routing
  5. Click Confirm

  6. Repeat this step to add multiple groups of employees.

For example, you have a Travel (Asia) expense that must get approval from CEO's PA after the manager approves. This would require a specific approval routing which is different from your general approval routing for other expenses, you may apply the specific approval routing here. Before that, make sure that the specific approval routing has been added in the Default Approval Routing under Expenses > Setting.