What is the Expenses Module ? 

The Expenses Module is where admins can digitalise the expense claims submission and processes of the company. Admins are able to configure Expense Policies for employees to submit claims for, view and manage these claims submissions, configure the approval routings for these claims as well as digitally process these claims for pay out to the employee. 

There are several steps admins will have to complete in order to set up the Expense Module: 

1. Complete Set Up of People Module - How to Set Up People Module

2. Set Up Approval Routings -

3. Configure General Settings 

4. Set Up Expense Policies 

5. Import Expense Transactions if needed 

6. Understand how to Process Expense Transactions

What are Expense Policies 

Expense Policies are the different types of Expenses that employees can claim for, along with their own set of rules, restrictions, and limits. There are 3 Categories of Expenses Policies that Admins can Set Up.  All expense categories allow for the admin to configure its eligibility and entitlement according to a wide range of criteria (tenure, gender, job grade, etc). Admin users may also configure custom routing for certain expense types if it does not conform to the default approval routings.

What is Archiving Expense Policies. 

Admins are able to Archive Expense Policies that are no longer in use. This will disable the policy as well as move it to the Archived Policies tab. 

To Archive Expense policies:

  1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.
  2. Select Expenses > Policies.
  3. Select Edit on the Leave Policy that needs to be archived.

  4. Scroll down. Click Archive Expense Policy.

  5. Confirm by clicking OK.

  6. You can view or restore your archived policy from the Archived Policies tab.

To Restore Archived Policies 

  • On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.
  • Select Expenses > Policies.
  • Select Archived Policies
  • Select Restore on the Archived policy that needs to be restored