What is email notification setting?

Email notification setting will only apply to Leave, Expense, and Travel requests. You may select to be notified either or both on:


1. Status changes of your own requests

2. Status changes of your manager's team requests


Once you've toggled them on, you will be able to receive email notifications of those changes.


To modify your email notification setting:



Web App:


Web app video walkthrough: Getting Started - Email Notification Setting


To edit and change your email notification setting:

  1. On your web app, head to the left panel.

  2. Click Account.

  1. Select the Settings tab.

  2. On the right of the Notifications row, click on the toggle button to activate or deactivate email notifications. Green indicates ON and grey indicates OFF.




Mobile App:


Mobile app video walkthrough: Getting Started - Email Notification Setting



To edit and change your email notification settings:

  1. On the top left of your mobile app homepage, click on the Settings menu (3-line icon). 

  1. Click App Settings.

  2. Click Email Settings.

  3. Toggle On/Off.